Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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# Map file u.usa.sc.1 created by Jesse W. Asher on Sat Aug 28 07:27:00 CDT 1993.
# New maps or map updates should be sent to rutgers!uucpmaps. Questions
# can be directed to vpbuild!jessea or jessea@vpbuild.vp.com.
# Please ensure that map entries follow the map creation procedures specified
# in the README file. Mail me if you are unsure about these procedures.
#N almira
#S NCR Tower 32/600; NCR System V Rel 2.00.00
#O Personal machine
#C Brian R. Haug
#E almira!news
#T +1 803 796 6405
#P P.O. Box 212052, Columbia, SC, 29221-2052
#L 33 57 26 N / 81 07 20 W
#U cs-col
#W almira!haug (Brian R. Haug); Wed Apr 25 21:43:23 EST 1990
almira cs-col(DIRECT), udcps3(EVENING)
#N ampakzo
#S DEC uVAX-II; ULTRIX V4.2; Taylor UUCP 1.04
#O AMP-Akzo Co.
#C Bluejay Adametz
#E ampakzo!bluejay
#T +1 803 675 7425
#P 200 Fairforest Way, Greenville, SC 29607
#L 34 45 N / 82 18 W
#U wolves
#W ampakzo!bluejay (Bluejay Adametz); Wed Jun 02 14:47:36 EST 1993
ampakzo wolves(HOURLY)
#N bcbssc
#S Wells American PC ; SCO XENIX ; v 2.2
#O Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina
#C Michael Godawski ( peon )
#E bcbssc!gracie!godawski@usceast.cs.scarolina.edu (our internet conn)
#E {uunet!ncrlnk!ncrcae!}usceast!bcbssc!gracie!godawski (UUCP)
#T +1 (803) 788-3860
#P I20 @ Alpine Rd., Columbia SC 29218
#L unknown
#R World Usenet connection for BCBS of SC, serviced by her sister
#R company Companion Technologies
#U usceast
#W Michael Godawski; Mon Dec 3 08:40:59 EST 1990
bcbssc usceast(POLLED/DEMAND)
#N bjuacad
#F uunet.uu.net
#S AT&T 3B2/600; AT&T System V Rel. 3.1.1
#O Bob Jones University
#C Phillip Pascoe
#E bjuacad!ppascoe
#T +1 803 242 5100 x3883
#P 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd., Greenville, SC 29614
#L 34 51 N / 82 23 W city
#W bjuacad!ppascoe (Phillip Pascoe); Mon Mar 11 08:15:01 EDT 1991
bjuacad bjudev(DIRECT)
#N bjuprdev
#S AT&T 6386/33E WGS
#O Bob Jones University
#C Phillip Pascoe
#E bjuprdev!ppascoe
#T +1 803 242 5100
#P 1700 Wade Hampton Blvd, Greenville, SC 29614
#L 34 51 N / 82 23 W city
#W evie@uunet.UU.NET (Evie Allen); Wed Aug 4 15:50:21 EDT 1993
bjuprdev uunet(DEMAND)
#N broadway
#S NCR Tower 32/800; Rel 1.01.03 (System V.2 UNIX)
#O Dept. of Elect. and Comp. Engineering, University of South Carolina
#C Jayant Kulkarni
#E broadway!root
#T + 1 803 777 7447
#P University of South Carolina, Swearingen Center, Columbia, SC 29208
#L 34 00 N / 81 03 W city
#R News is Great on a Tower 800!
#W broadway!root (Stuart Anderson); Thur. Dec. 22 1:00:00 EST 1988
#U secola
broadway ncrcae(POLLED), secola(DAILY)
#N centgraf
#S Panasonic Business Partner (8086); MS-DOS - Waffle
#O DLC Consulting, Hampton SC
#C Damian Centgraf
#E wshb!centgraf!damian or 70571.313@compuserve.com
#T +1 803 943 4851
#P P.O. Box 611, Hampton, SC 29924-0611
#L 32 41 02 N / 81 07 51 W
#R This is a personal account and not business related.
#U wshb
#W centgraf!damian (Damian L. Centgraf); Tue Jun 18 13:05:00 EDT 1991
centgraf wshb(POLLED)
#N fbm
#S Tandy 6000; Xenix 03.02.00
#O South Carolina Farm Bureau Marketing Association
#C Butch DeCosta, Sherry Lemon
#E fbm!sherry
#T +1 803 747 0441
#P Post Office Box 5788, North Charleston, South Carolina 29406
#L 79 27 W / 32 26 N
#W midlyd!bob (Bob Pitts); Wed Sep 18 09:45:00 EDT 1989
fbm midlyd(DEMAND)
#N hubcap
#S DEC VAX-8810; ULTRIX 3.1
#O Clemson University Computer Center
#C Mike Marshall
#E hubcap!postmaster
#T +1 803 656 3155
#P 50 New Cherry Street, Clemson University, Clemson, SC 29634
#L 34 41 N / 82 49 W
#U gatech ncrcae stanford
#W hubcap!hubcap (Mike Marshall); Wed Sep 12 08:22:33 EDT 1990
hubcap ncrcae(POLLED)
#N kisbbs
#S i386; OS/2 2.1
#O Keep It Simple - FidoNet 1:3624/6
#C Ed Ridpath
#E kisbbs!postmaster
#T +1 803 649 4171
#P 1081 Shiloh Estates, Aiken, SC 29801
#L 33 38 58 N / 81 41 05 W
#U lakes
#R FidoNet 1:3624/6 running UFGATE.
#W kisbbs!edr (Ed Ridpath) ; Sun Jul 18 01:33:17 EDT 1993
kisbbs .n3624.z1.fidonet.org, .n360.z1.fidonet.org
kisbbs = kisbbs.fidonet.org, f6.n3624.z1.fidonet.org
kisbbs lakes(DAILY)
#N lakes
#S i386; Linux/Waffle v1.65
#O Lakes Public Access
#C Michael Hendrick
#E mlh@lakes.trenton.sc.us
#T +1 803 649 0412
#P 186 Wise Hollow Rd., Aiken SC 29803
#L 33 38 44 N / 81 52 02 W
#R Public access usenet news and mail
#U kisbbs, nscf, wknott, momo, embassy, pug, barbco
#W mlh@lakes.trenton.sc.us (M. Hendrick); Thu Jun 24 17:35:00 EDT 1993
lakes = lakes.trenton.sc.us
lakes kisbbs(DIRECT), nscf(DIRECT), wknott(DEMAND), momo(DIRECT),
pug(DIRECT), embassy(DIRECT), barbco(DEMAND)
#N mazurka
#S Amiga 2500/30; 1.3.2 AmigaOS
#O Me Own Personal System
#C Kenneth Yarnall
#E mazurka!postmaster, yarnall@usceast.cs.scarolina.EDU
#T +1 803 771 6349
#P 332 S. Harden St., Columbia, SC 29205
#L 33 59 16 N / 81 00 30 W
#R Home Amiga running AmigaUUCP
#W mazurka!kenny (Kenneth Yarnall); Thu Apr 11 14:20:12 EDT 1991
mazurka opusc(DIRECT)
#N melanie
#S Leading Technology 386sx-16; Coherent 3.2
#O Personal machine.
#C Peter H. Hoffman
#E melanie!peter
#T +1 803 271 4034
#P G301, 926 Cleveland St., Greenville, SC 29601
#L 34 51 N / 82 23 W city
#R "melanie" after Melanie Safka
#W melanie!peter (Peter H. Hoffman); Tue Sep 08 22:00:00 EDT 1992
melanie opusc(DAILY)
#N midlyd
#S Dell 310; Xenix 2.3.4
#O Lydia Soybeans, Inc.
#C Robert G. Pitts
#E midlyd!bob
#T +1 803 332 1511
#P Post Office Drawer 148, Lydia, South Carolina 29079-0148
#L 34 21 N / 80 05 W
#W midlyd!bob (Robert G. Pitts);Mon Jul 13 16:54:23 EDT 1992
midlyd attmail(DEAD), petro(DAILY), flattop(DEMAND), handicraft(DEAD),
fbm(DEMAND), ajg(DEMAND), roche1(DEMAND)
midlyd = .midlyd.progcons.com
#N mikebat
#S AT&T PC7300 ; UNIX System V 3.51a
#O Private system
#C Michael Batchelor
#E mikebat!usenet
#T +1 803 524 5012
#P 416 Ribaut Road, Beaufort, SC 29902
#L 080 18 25 W / 32 25 55 N
#W mikebat!michaelb (Michael Batchelor) ; Thu Dec 14 22:38:50 EST 1989
#U wshb
mikebat wshb(DAILY)
#N ncrcae
#S NCR System 3450; NCR System V, Rel 4 (V.4)
#O NCR Corporation, MCPD-Columbia
#C Kenny Webber
#E ncrcae!postmaster
#T +1 803 791 6269
#P 3325 Platt Springs Rd., West Columbia, SC 29170
#L 33 57 26 N / 81 07 20 W
# News exchanged with
#U hubcap ncratl ncr-sd
# Sites with NCR.COM
#U ncratl.atlantaga ncr-sd.sandiegoca ncrlnk.daytonoh
# Sites within ColumbiaSC.NCR.COM
#W ncrcae!webber (Kenny Webber); Thu Jan 21 09:35:39 EST 1993
# We are the gateway for the Columbia subdomain of NCR.COM
# Mail to NCR Columbia personnel can be addressed
# firstname.lastname@ColumbiaSC.NCR.COM
ncrcae = ncrcae.columbia.ncr.com, ncrcae.columbiasc.ncr.com
ncrcae .columbia.ncr.com, .ncr.com, columbia.ncr.com, .columbiasc.ncr.com, columbiasc.ncr.com
# long distance calls
ncrcae hubcap(DAILY)
ncrcae currcomp(DAILY)
ncrcae <intelcs>(DAILY)
# Non-local NCR sites - some are private lines others are long distance
# calls
ncrcae ncr-sd(DEDICATED) # SanDiegoCA.NCR.COM gateway
ncrcae ncratl(DEDICATED) # AtlantaGA.NCR.COM gateway
ncrcae ncrwat(DEDICATED) # Waterloo.NCR.COM gateway
ncrcae ncrdeu(DEDICATED) # Augsburg.NCR.COM gateway
ncrcae ncrnorw(DEDICATED) # Norway.NCR.COM gateway
ncrcae ncrcrsc(DEDICATED-LOW) # Columbia Remote Support Center
ncrcae ncrcom(DEDICATED+LOW) # DaytonOH.NCR.COM gateway
ncrcae ncrhub1(DEDICATED+LOW) # DaytonOH.NCR.COM gateway
ncrcae ncrhub4(DEDICATED) # DaytonOH.NCR.COM gateway
ncrcae ncrsea(DEMAND) # Sales office in Seattle
ncrcae ncrsec(DEAD) # SE-Columbia, (next door, they poll us)
ncrcae ncrstp(DEDICATED) # StPaulMN.ncr.com gateway
ncrcae ccscola(DEMAND) # CCSD-Columbia
ncrcae ncrats(DEMAND) # Atlanta - Tower Support
ncrcae ncrwic(DEDICATED) # WichitaKS.NCR.COM gateway
ncrcae ncrclm(DEDICATED) # ClemsonSC.NCR.COM (PCD-Clemson)
ncrcae ncr-mpd(DEDICATED) # FtCollinsCO.NCR.COM gateway
# external sites that poll us
ncrcae rnr(POLLED) # Unisys in Salt Lake City
ncrcae unislc(POLLED) # Unisys in Salt Lake City
#N ncrclm
#S NCR Tower XP; AT&T System V
#O NCR Corporation
#C Jim Lamb
#E Jim.Lamb@Clemson.NCR.COM
#T +1 803 843 1561
#P 1150 Anderson Dr., Liberty, SC 29657
#R Gateway for the Clemson.NCR.COM domain
#U ncrcae
#W Jim.Lamb@ncrclm.Clemson.NCR.COM; Tue May 3 13:23:53 EST 1988
ncrclm = ncrclm.clemson.ncr.com
ncrclm .clemson.ncr.com, .ncr.com, clemson.ncr.com
# Non-local NCR sites with which we communicate over private lines.
ncrclm ncrcae(DEDICATED) #Columbia, S.C., NCR Domain gateway
#N opusc
#S DEC VAX-11/750; 4.3 BSD UNIX Mt. Xinu
#O Computer Services Division, University of South Carolina
#C Ken Sallenger
#E opusc!usenet, ken@bigbird.csd.scarolina.edu
#T +1 803 777 6551
#P 1244 Blossom ST Room #201 / USC / Columbia, SC 29208
#L 34 59 35 N / 81 01 45 W
#R News feed and UUCP gateway to scarolina.edu
#U usceast ncrcae
#W opusc!ken (Ken Sallenger); Wed Apr 10 12:40:35 EDT 1991
opusc = opusc.csd.scarolina.edu
opusc usceast(LOCAL) # Dept of Computer Science, USC
opusc ncrcae(DIRECT) # NCR Columbia, SC
opusc mazurka(DIRECT)
#N quant
#O Quant Systems
#C James Hawkes
#E quant!root
#P 25 Bainbridge Dr., Charleston, SC 29407
#L 32 48 N / 79 58 W city
#W rick@uunet.UU.NET (Rick Adams); Thu, 7 Jan 1988 19:06:47 EST
quant uunet(DEMAND)
#N queue
#S DECVAX 3100 model 20 ; VMS 5.5.2
#O Queue Systems, Inc.
#C Vernon Harrsion
#E queue!root
#T +1 803 787 7191
#P 14 Calendar Court Columbia, SC 29206
#L 34 00 N 81 02 W
#W postmaster@uunet.UU.NET (E. Allen); Mon Aug 16 15:56:27 EDT 1993
queue uunet(DEMAND)
#N ryang2
#F slammer.atl.ga.us
#S IBM-clone 386; DOS 5.0
#O private residence
#C Robert H. Yang
#E ryang2!ryang
#T +1 803 235 2065
#P 219B Buist Avenue, Greenville, SC 29609
#L 34 51 N / 82 23 W city
#R private mail system (Waffle 1.65)
#U slammer
#W ryang2!ryang (Robert H. Yang); Sat May 22 07:34:00 EDT 1993
ryang2 = ryang2.atl.ga.us
ryang2 slammer(DAILY)
#N scbear
#S Amiga 2000; AmigaDos2.05 / AmigaUUCP
#O BEARly Organized
#C Powell E. Way III
#E scbear!powell
#T +1 803 796 9696
#P PO BOX 11475, Columbia, SC 29211-1475
#L 33 57 26 N / 81 07 20 W
#R Bear node soon to port to a NCR Tower 32/600
#R maybe this year?
#U smoak
#W scbear!powell; (Powell E. Way III) on May 20, 1993
scbear smoak(HOURLY), almira(DAILY/8)
#N sddint
#S Mac Plus; uAccess 1.5
#O Software Design and Development, Inc.
#C Clayton Chevrior
#E ssdint!clayton
#T +1 803 329 1889
#P 972 W. Main St., Rock Hill, SC 29730
#L 34 55 N / 81 01 W city
#W lori@uunet.UU.NET (Lori Lewis); Tue Sep 10 11:19:48 EDT 1991
sddint uunet(DEMAND)
#N wknott
#S i386; Waffle UUCP v1.65
#O \x/hy Knott VBBS
#C Mike McGaughey
#E lakes!wknott!mike
#T +1 803 781 4610
#P 118 Aylesbury Rd. Irmon SC 29803
#L 34 59 35 N / 81 01 45 W city
#R No comment at this time.
#U lakes
#W owen@lakes.trenton.sc.us (M. Hendrick); Sat Aug 16 22:30:00 EDT 1992
wknott lakes(DEMAND)
#N wofford
#S DEC MicroVAX 3800; VMS V5.4
#O Wofford College
#C Dr. Dan W. Olds
#E wofford!postmaster
#F uunet.uu.net
#T +1 803 597 4272
#P 429 North Church St., Spartanburg, SC 29303-3663
#L 34 57 32 N / 81 56 07 W
#R Running DECUS uucp V1.3 (and ANU News V6.0)
#U uunet
#W oldsdw@wofford.edu (Dan W. Olds); 19-Oct-1991
# machine room is 816 feet above sea level (for 3-D pathalias routing :-)
wofford .wofford.edu
wofford = wofford.edu
wofford uunet(EVENING)
#N wshb
#S AST Premimum 386; XENIX
#O WSHB - Christian Science Monitor Syndicate
#C Michael R. Batchelor
#E wshb!postmaster
#T +1 803 625 4880
#P Rt.2 Box 107A, Pineland, SC USA
#L 32 41 02 N / 81 07 51 W
#R This machine is also wshb.csms.com.
#U wcsn khbi bos mikebat uunet
#W wshb!michaelb (Michael R. Batchelor); Thu Aug 2 11:36:50 EDT 1990
wshb csms.com
wshb = wshb.csms.com
wshb wcsn(DAILY/4), khbi(DAILY/2),
bos(DAILY/4), mikebat(POLLED),
# u.usa.sc.1 EOF